Singing Guide: Peter Brown

Singing Guide: Peter Brown

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Peter Brown: A Guide to His Vocal Technique and Music

Peter Brown was an amazing singer, famous for his unique blend of soul, R&B, and disco, and his effortless ability to hit astonishing high notes. To learn how to sing like this iconic artist, we'll delve into his vocal technique, recommend some of his greatest hits, and suggest practical steps and Singing Carrots resources you can use to refine your skills.

Vocal Technique

One of Brown's signature techniques was his belting style, which enabled him to deliver powerful and emotive performances. He had an incredible range, with a rich and sonorous head voice, which, combined with his accurate pitch and vibrato control, made his vocals sound unique and unforgettable. Brown was also an expert at exploiting both his chest and head voice to create a seamless transition between his upper and lower registers, a skill he used to produce an incredibly smooth vocal texture.

Famous songs and performances

Brown has released a string of hits over his career. "Do Ya Wanna Get Funky with Me" is one of his most well-known songs, a classic from the disco era. His soulful rendition of "Kisses Don't Lie" exemplifies his exceptional vocal range and emotive belting. "Dance With Me" is another crowd-pleaser, featuring uplifting guitar strums that complement Brown's melodic delivery.

Practical steps to improve

To help you develop your vocals and refine your style to match Brown's, we've provided a list of practical steps and Singing Carrots resources for you to use.

  1. Enhance your pitch accuracy by taking our Pitch Accuracy Test. This test will assess your pitch accuracy and provide real-time feedback so you can improve.
  2. Use our Vocal Range Test to discover your vocal range and compare it with Brown's.
  3. Learn how to analyze your voice with our guide and add specific techniques to your practice routine.
  4. Check out our vocal pitch monitor to visualize your sung notes in a virtual piano.
  5. Use our Pitch Training games to enhance your vocal warm-up routine.
  6. Learn some of Brown's songs using our search tool and work on your performance skills by creating a set with our song-book feature to get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.
  7. Check out our 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips to master vocal techniques and improve your singing skills.


Peter Brown was a talented singer who captivated his audience with his belting style, vocal range, and emotive performances. With our practical tips and Singing Carrots resources, you can learn how to sing like this legend. Use our pitch and range tests, add Brown's music to your repertoire, and browse our singing courses to advance your skills. Harness your passion and watch your singing transform into something unforgettable, just like the great Peter Brown.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.